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By strategically managing asset information within your CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) or EAMS (Enterprise Asset Management System), we aim to empower industries and organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance the quality and accessibility of asset information. This, in turn, plays a pivotal role in shaping a robust asset management strategy. We understand that reliable asset information is the cornerstone of operational success, as it underpins effective maintenance practices and ensures the dependability of your assets. We invite you to become a part of this journey towards achieving excellence in data management that will, in turn, facilitate the achievement of your asset management goals.



Watch this episode of Industrial Talk to hear Ed & Leonella discuss what it is they do so well.

Why DES?


Team of Best-in-Class Experts: We have decades of experience leading these initiatives from inside the organization, so we have the experience and record of success that will give you the peace of mind you’re getting it done right.


Hunger to Get Better: Never resting on our laurels, we are driven by an insatiable desire for excellence, so we’re constantly staying on top of the latest advancements in asset management and the operational realms of our clients.


Customized Approach: No two client environments are alike. You each have a unique set of goals and needs that we have the breadth of understanding to help and the level of attentiveness that our clients appreciate.


Collaborative Mindset: With humility and curiosity, we can only succeed for you by engaging you intimately and thoroughly throughout the discovery and implementation phases so we can understand your operations and personnel. And we will continue to monitor and perfect our systems throughout our work together.


Data-Driven Decision Making: We focus on collecting quality data to facilitate informed and effective decision-making for sustained business success.


Calibrated Toward Impactful Outcomes: Our success is measured by our ability to positively impact outcomes. It’s why you partner with us and it’s our one true measure of effectiveness in delivery of our solutions to you.


Uncompromising Standard of Integrity: Our reputation is what matters, even more importantly than our results. You can count on us to maintain honesty, transparency, and adherence to stringent quality benchmarks across all operations and in our interactions with you.

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